Fitness & Health • Politics • Education
BraveTv stands for Health, Freedom and Knowledge. We are saving and restoring the American Republic and waking Americans up to the Medical and Pharmaceutical Cartels. I teach people how to get to the Source of Dis-Ease and create a health, productive life.
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Lioness Pride - October 17, 2023 - "With Liberty and Justice For All"

#drjasondean #bravetv #lionesspride
Lioness Pride - October 17, 2023 - "With Liberty and Justice For All"
In light of recent events Nicolette walks us through her past weekend In Doral, FL.
What's next? Does anyone have integrity anymore?
Who can we trust?
Lioness Pride
Hosted by Nicolette
Brought to you by BraveTV
Why did I name the show Lioness Pride?
We’re all sick of the word pride, I get it. Over the last few years patriots everywhere have been asking what more they could do, federally, locally, to make a difference.
Particularly the mothers have rose to the occasion to protect our children.
That’s where Lioness Pride comes in. We’re taking the word pride back to give our moms support accross the nation. Lionesses are the ultimate caregivers and protectors and work in well, “prides.”
It’s time we support each other and create a network of helpful reasources. Empowering both women and men to rise to the occasion to make a difference.
Embracing the natural gifts we all have in protecting our own.
Will answer the calling to join the Pride?

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BraveTV Joins Locals!

Welcome aboard BraveTV Nation! So happy to welcome you to our new locals channel. Check out this special message from Dr. Dean.

BraveTV - Lioness Pride- October 26, 2023- "Rise of Turbo Cancer"

BraveTV - Lioness Pride- October 26, 2023- "Rise of Turbo Cancer"
Nicolette fills in for Dr. Jason Dean while he is out.
Cancer is everywhere in the headlines, an uptick in all ages but shockingly young adults.
No one can explain why ?

BraveTV Official
About Dr. Jason Dean:

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The United States Federal Government has purchased over $200 MILLION in ANTIi-Radiation Medications for a coming Nuclear Event!
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Brave TV - Oct 25, 2023 - The Hunters Become the Hunted - Hunter Super Moon - Parasites Partying & Scattering

It’s October and we have a New Super Full Moon. This time it’s called the Hunter Super Moon.
We are quite literally in the phase of the operation where the Hunters become the Hunted.
This is what you need to look out for this Full Moon.
BraveTV Official
About Dr. Jason Dean:
NEW SAVINGS!!! Full Moon Protocol $197 Today with PROMO Code BTV - SAVE over $20
Get your Full Moon Protocol at:
The United States Federal Government has purchased over $200 MILLION in ANTIi-Radiation Medications for a coming Nuclear Event!
Grab Your Pre-Sale Special Atomic Detoxified Iodine, a SPECIAL Edgar Cayce Formula!
To change your retirement to Silver IRA’s, be sure to check out my Plan for you at
Survival is a necessity at ...


What is hands down the #1 Cause of Cancer?


Why do you think they want Ivermectin and HCQ silenced?

Cancer is the BIGGEST Cabal $$-maker!

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